Monday, September 05, 2005

MSN search loves a Nerf Bat

So what are the chances of my blog getting to the top of a search engine? Well, I noticed from the stats that someone came to my blog with "nerf bat" as their search phrase. Imagine how surprised I was to see that my blog comes up #1 for that term with

For those of you confused as to why I'm talking about a brand name for an indoor-safe ball by Parker Brothers, as introduced originally in 1969.... Well, I'm not. Check Wikipedia's explanation of Nerf. A nerf bat is a tool used to apply a nerf (generally to suggest a certain lack of subtlety in doing so).

Note that Wikipedia doesn't have an entry for "nerf bat", and if it did, I'm sure North Central Positronics Ltd would still hold the top spot with MSN search, seeing as how Microsoft must hate the FREE open source resource for diverting punters from Encarta.


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