Big Packet?
I just read an article on El Reg which highlights a new technology that enables ISPs to "manage" the speed for particular web based services. This is certainly prefereable to having idiotic levels of bandwidth cap, but it hardly seems to be in the consumers best interests. I'd rather not have my ISP snooping over all my internet traffic to determine how much I use P2P. I have two main uses for P2P software anyway, and both of them are above reproach if any anti-P2P evangelists out there are reading. The first I use BitTorrent to get patches for games (particularly Dark and Light which seems to love giving 800meg patches) and I use it for downloading radio shows to listen to while I'm at work on the ImP broadcast.
And if I got a sniff of my ISP doing this to my service, I'd find someone else to provide my web connection faster than you could say OMFGWTFBBQPWNZR.
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