Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Nintendo DS a great hit - as is a certain buggy MMORPG

My recent abscence from all things BLOG can largely be attributed to three things eating into my spare time: salary earning requirement; a new MMORPG; and the new toy I mentioned in the last post.

The first, aka work, is not to be talked about in a BLOG which is about any OTHER than work.

The second is Dark and Light aka, Settlers of Ganareth. The game has shown significant improvements in reliability over the past couple of weeks. So much so that I've been able to play for four hours at a single sitting, rather than the four hour a week average up until February. It's a good job too, considering that they hope to have the main commercial launch of the game in April. I will not be surprised if that launch date slips to a month that starts with the letter N, or even D. If by some miracle they pull off the launch I'll be quite happy to issue a formal written apology to Farlan, AD, NP3 and anyone else involved on the "other side" of this title.

The third... ahhh the third. Nintendo DS. Who'd have thought such a small bundle of plastic and silicon could give the kind of pleasure that Tommy Lee received from Pamela Anderson on a certain road trip. OK, so perhaps that's somewhat of an exaggeration. I don't own a boat for a start. But what joy it is to be playing games that can keep you amused for hours, yet can be picked up during the adverts for a quick round of WIFI Mario Kart against the wife :). There's a lot to say for Nintendo's fun approach to gaming, something I haven't experienced since the NES.

So all in all, there hasn't been regular posts for a while. And there wont be for a while longer, particularly as I'm taking three weeks to travel to the other side of the world very soon!


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