If you know me in RL and you read this blog, then you're invited to my halloween party on Saturday. Drop me an email at home (not work) and let me know if you're coming and I'll send you the details. Halloween themed dress is essential.
If you know me in RL and you read this blog, then you're invited to my halloween party on Saturday. Drop me an email at home (not work) and let me know if you're coming and I'll send you the details. Halloween themed dress is essential.
A Scottish movie about gamers, even if it is PnP. What could be more appropriate! Here's the blurb:
Props to NCsoft and Cryptic Studios. Their City of Villans beta works on the old dual PIII 733mhz system with a 128meg Ti4200 graphics card, 512megs of 133 SDRAM and not much else! Not bad considering the age of this particular PC's technology. It doesn't look as shiny as it does on the DX9 machine, and the game doesn't load as quickly between instances (I'm not a fan of instances) but nevertheless, its playable.
OK - well, after downloading the 2.4gig "patch" for the second time - I manage to log in to City of Villans Open Beta.
"Jack Thompson doesn't want your money. He isn't asking you to be a client. What he wants is for you to get up out of your chair because you're as mad as Hell about the video game industry's assault on our children and you're not going to take it anymore!
Interesting approach to launch a new game - make it sound like it is free but then confuse people with talk of pre-order keys. Or is it just a creative way to have people sign up to an open-beta test? Either way, it seems like the Dark and Light MMORPG title will be available to us all very soon!
Time for a real life cybercrime story - that happened to me!
Always good for the lunchtimes when you feel too lazy to go outside:
Just spotted this interesting nugget of comment and "analysis" from someone who has been tinkering with WoW:
Never underestimate the power of the community forum - it can work for community owners and it can really rear up to bite them.
After reading reports over on Technollama's blog, of evil pirates stealing the trade of the movie industry, I find a report from the cinema screen advertising company Carlton Screen Advertising which says that cinema attendance is up!